Unemployment, credit card debt and unexpected illness or tragedy are just a few reasons people may have a difficult time paying their energy bills this year. By making a contribution to the SHARING program, no matter how large or small, you are doing your part to help your neighbors in need.
Through the continued generosity of our customers and employees, Chesapeake Utilities Corporation has been able to provide thousands of dollars in energy assistance and tips on energy efficiency and budgeting to members of our community. Your tax-deductible contribution to the Sharing program will help keep families in need warm all winter long.
If you would like to help those less fortunate heat their homes this year, you may make your donation online or download and complete the SHARING donation form, enclose your one-time donation (no cash please) and mail to the address indicated.
We appreciate your help with this important program. On behalf of our volunteers and the many people who will benefit from the SHARING program, we thank you for your support.