Mother and daughter outside in the snow

About the Sharing Program

Our History

The Chesapeake Emergency Energy Recipient Program (CHEERP), better known as SHARING, is an approved 501(c) non-profit organization that was incorporated in 1983.

Chesapeake Utilities Corporation created the SHARING Program with donations provided by customers, employees, the community and Chesapeake Utilities Corporation to ensure that the elderly, ill and those facing financial hardship are not forgotten during the cold winter months when energy bills are at their peak. In the past 10 years, more than 2,000 grants totaling almost $500,000 have been distributed by our Sharing Program.

The SHARING Program is led by a Board of Trustees who volunteer their time to ensure this mission is met. They participate in community functions to raise funds while also making those in the community aware of the program and its benefits. The grant levels from the SHARING Program have been level or increased since they were incorporated and now some needy customers can receive grants of almost $1,000 if needed.

Our Mission:

To make aid grants to support certain low and fixed income individuals facing termination of gas service during the cold winter months.

Donations from customers, employees and members of the community help those in need to pay their energy bills during the cold winter months. In the past 10 years, more than

2,000 grants totaling almost $500,000

have been distributed by our SHARING Program.

A History of Sharing


Federal Weatherization Assistance Program(WAP) established.


Federal Low Income Heating Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) established


Chesapeake Emergency Energy Recipient Program Incorporated


First Carnival to raise funds is held


Disbursements from the SHARING Fund surpass $10,000


Disbursements from the SHARING Fund surpass $20,000


Hurricane Katrina causes heating fuel prices to rise dramatically


LIHEAP receives additional emergency funding of $1 billion


SHARING joins with other utilities to create Energy Fairs to make community aware of fundings

2008 web site launched


Disbursements from the SHARING Fund surpass $100,000


Over 2,000 grants totaling almost $500,000 distributed by SHARING since 2003

2015 web site revamped to accept online donations